Wednesday 27 January 2010

Target Audience

Horror films show such things as death and so are not suitable to young audiences, this makes the target audience around the ages of 15-25. The audience would be expecting the death and gore as it is a key theme on the horror genre.
The films depict the unexpected which makes it attractive to young adults. The main group this genre is targeted at is males of this age group, as it is a way to scare and excite without any danger.
The genre is aimed at people with higher incomes as they go the cinema more often than those with a lower income. They are also targeted at people with higher levels of education as they attend the cinema more regularly although people going through a form of higher education are visiting the cinema more than most.
The horror genre appeals to the age groups that are more likely to go to the cinema which is 15-25.

1 comment:

  1. Tell us where this info comes from and how does it refer to your film
