Wednesday 27 January 2010


Many horror films are located within a house. This is the easiest setting for a film to be shot as the lighting is enclosed and weather will not permitt the shooting to be cancelled/postponed. Also, for the audience the setting of a home would relate to them and make them feel on edge as the setting is familer and they could think that this may happen to them.

Forets - lighting would be temprimental and the weather sometimes unpredicatble. Some films situated in a forest tend to be fake 'documentry's' such like 'The Blair Witch Project' so it doesnt matter if the camera is 'shakey' as the floors would not be flat so handhelded filming would be the easiest. Another film that is located in a forest is 'The Village' and most of the scary parts are when the characters are within the forest. Forests are good settings for a horror film as the story would be easy to adapt to the surroundings. The audience would be scared as most people feel that forests are spooky places to be is especially at night.

But, having a film based in an idealistic safe place would be more frightening to the audience as they can relate to it more and it contrasts with the idea of being safe in your own home.

1 comment:

  1. look at Levi-Strauss. The settings usually reflect some idea of a wilderness which is a centre for chaos and bad things as opposed to the order of the opposite - the town/civilisation
