Tuesday 13 April 2010

Still to do

Your evaluation!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Evaluation

    Our film is similar to others in the modern horror genre, it is a typical slasher movie, where a typical “maiden in distress” gets followed, chased and killed, at this point in our film the audience doesn't know the killers sex, usually the killer would be a man, but we decided to leave the audience in suspense. This like many other horror genre films leaves the audience in suspense wanting to watch on. Although our film does not include much generic iconography such as blood, religious relics etc. although we do use the use of screams. For the setting of our film we choose a typical English street at night, whereas many horror films would rather set their film in a castle or old abandoned house.

    Our film is targeted at any audience, although young female girls could probably relate more to our films, the only character you see a typical teenage girl. Most horror films present the woman as an object rather than a being. The slasher film exploits women as over sexed, damsel in distresses' who inevitably are killed in opening sequences due to their stereotypical characters; this is shown in iconic slashers such as Friday the 13th and Halloween. The audience do not yet know this but the killer would be a man like in other typical slasher films, we have chosen for the killer to be a man in our film as we wanted to keep our film as much like a typical slasher as possible.

    I think a we would distribute our film ourselves using YouTube as we would be in total control of our product, although if we got enough hits we would then think about using a small UK distributer such as Columbia TriStar as I think they would boost sales and earn more money for us.

    Our film is targeted at males and females aged between 15-25 years old and of any background, making our film versatile to any lifestyle I think will boost sales.

    We attracted our audience by making our film as a typical slasher film with a psychopathic killer, stalking and brutally murdering a series of female victims using tool such as chainsaws and meat cleavers.

    We have learnt many things about the technologies used in making the film, for example we have learnt about the many camera shots and angles such as Extreme Wide Shot, used to set scene and show the audience the setting. We have also learnt many skills while making our film, we have used the internet for research and learnt how to use editing programs.

    this was the only way i could post as i dont have my password.
